This first flower was designed with the intention of being broad with long petals, as well as having a bulbous center that gives the sensation of having various pieces rather than just a conventional center. Likewise, the first customized texture aimed to represent the plastic-like texture of some flowers and the way colors are distributed randomly but not abstractly.
Second flower - first texture
The next flower was designed with inspiration from round flowers similar to those in classic paintings, which feel like they have thousands of very thin petals, obviously avoiding resembling a differently colored lettuce. Here, the texture was modified to have a gradient in the colors that changes from the base to the tip of the petals; however, the plastic effect of the texture does not allow the flower to feel delicate but rather fake.
For the next iteration of the texture, a characteristic of petals was added, which is translucency. Although the previous texture already had subsurface scattering, it didn't provide the transparency of the petals. By adding it, the flower obtained that more organic look, and they certainly appear more beautiful with light.
Finally, the round flower was applied with the same texture, only with transparency. This finally gave us the opportunity to feel that the flower is more natural, fragile, consisting of many thin layers. Additionally, it helps us see that the density of the flower changes at the edges where the light manages to penetrate. Furthermore, the ornaments protruding from its core changed to a gold texture to contrast with the natural and fragile appearance.

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